O. Howell, H. Huang, and D.M. Rosen. “Multi-Irreducible Spectral Synchronization for Robust Rotation Averaging”. Link.
P. Kaveti, M. Giamou, H. Singh, and D.M. Rosen. “OASIS: Optimal Arrangements for Sensing in SLAM”. Link
A. Papalia, A. Fishberg, B.W. O’Neill, J.P. How, D.M. Rosen, and J.J. Leonard. “Certifiably Correct Range-Aided SLAM”. Link.
Journal articles
Q. Huang, C. Pu, K. Khosoussi, D.M. Rosen, D. Fourie, J.P. How, and J.J. Leonard. “Incremental Non-Gaussian Inference for SLAM using Normalizing Flows”. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 39.2 (Apr. 2023), pp. 1458–1475. DOI.
D.M. Rosen. “Accelerating Certifiable Estimation with Preconditioned Eigensolvers”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7.4 (Oct. 2022), pp. 12507–12514. DOI.
M. Giamou, F. Maric, D.M. Rosen, V. Peretroukhin, N. Roy, I. Petrovic, and J. Kelly. “Convex Iteration for Distance-Geometric Inverse Kinematics”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7.2 (Apr. 2022), pp. 1952–1959. DOI.
Y. Tian, K. Khosoussi, D.M. Rosen, and J.P. How. “Distributed Certifiably Correct Pose-Graph Optimization”. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 37.6 (Dec. 2021), pp. 2137–2156. DOI.
Honorable Mention, King-Sun Fu Memorial Best Paper Award.
D.M. Rosen, K.J. Doherty, A. Terán Espinoza, and J.J. Leonard. “Advances in Inference and Representation for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping”. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 4 (May 2021), pp. 215–242. DOI.
Invited article.
D.M. Rosen, L. Carlone, A.S. Bandeira, and J.J. Leonard. “SE-Sync: A Certifiably Correct Algorithm for Synchronization over the Special Euclidean Group”. International Journal of Robotics Research 38.2–3 (Mar. 2019), pp. 95–125. DOI.
Invited article (WAFR 2016 special issue).
D.M. Rosen, M. Kaess, and J.J. Leonard. “RISE: An Incremental Trust-Region Method for Robust Online Sparse Least-Squares Estimation”. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 30.5 (Oct. 2014), pp. 1091–1108. DOI.
Conference proceedings
A. Papalia, J. Morales, K.J. Doherty, D.M. Rosen, and J.J. Leonard. “SCORE: A Second-Order Conic Initialization for Range-Aided SLAM”. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, London, UK, May 2023, pp. 10637–10644. DOI.
K.J. Doherty, D.M. Rosen, and J.J. Leonard. “Spectral Measurement Sparsification for Pose-Graph SLAM“. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2022, pp. 6412–6419. DOI.
Y. Tian, A. Singh Bedi, A. Koppel, M. Calvo-Fullana, D.M. Rosen, and J.P. How. “Distributed Riemannian Optimization with Lazy Communication for Collaborative Geometric Estimation”. IEEE RSJ / International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2022, pp. 4391–4398. DOI.
K.J. Doherty, D.M. Rosen, and J.J. Leonard. “Performance Guarantees for Spectral Initialization in Rotation Averaging and Pose-Graph SLAM”. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Philadelphia, PA, May 2022, pp. 5608–5614. DOI.
D.M. Rosen. “Scalable Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming for Certifiably Correct Machine Perception”. International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics. June 2020. DOI.
I. Chelly, V. Winter, D. Litvak, D.M. Rosen, and O. Freifeld. “JA-POLS: A Moving-Camera Background Model via Joint Alignment and Partially-Overlapping Local Subspaces”. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Seattle, WA, June 2020, pp. 12585–12594. DOI.
F. Dellaert*, D.M. Rosen*, J. Wu, R. Mahony, and L. Carlone. “Shonan Rotation Averaging: Global Optimality by Surfing SO(p)n“. European Conference on Computer Vision. Aug 2020. DOI.
Spotlight talk (top 5%).
V. Peretroukhin, M. Giamou, D.M. Rosen, W. Nicholas Greene, N. Roy, and J. Kelly. “A Smooth Representation of Belief over SO(3) for Deep Rotation Learning with Uncertainty”. Robotics: Science and Systems. Corvallis, OR, July 2020. Link.
Best Student Paper Award.
D.M. Rosen, L. Carlone, A.S. Bandeira, and J.J. Leonard. “A Certifiably Correct Algorithm for Synchronization over the Special Euclidean Group”. International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics. San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2016. DOI.
Best Paper Award.
D.M. Rosen, J. Mason, and J.J. Leonard. “Towards Lifelong Feature-Based Mapping in Semi-Static Environments”. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Stockholm, Sweden, May 2016, pp. 1063–1070. DOI.
D.M. Rosen, C. DuHadway, and J.J. Leonard. “A Convex Relaxation for Aproximate Global Optimization in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping”. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Seattle, WA, May 2015, pp. 5822–5829. DOI.
L. Carlone, D.M. Rosen, G. Calafiore, J.J. Leonard, and F. Dellaert. “Lagrangian Duality in 3D SLAM: Verification Techniques and Optimal Solutions”. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 2015. DOI.
D.M. Rosen, G. Huang, and J.J. Leonard. “Inference over Heterogeneous Finite-/Infinite-Dimensional Systems using Factor Graphs and Gaussian Processes”. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Hong Kong, China, June 2014, pp. 1261–1268. DOI.
D.M. Rosen, M. Kaess, and J.J. Leonard. “Robust Incremental Online Inference over Sparse Factor Graphs: Beyond the Gaussian Case”. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013, pp. 1017–1024. DOI.
D.M. Rosen, M. Kaess, and J.J. Leonard. “An Incremental Trust-Region Method for Robust Online Sparse Least-Squares Estimation”. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. St. Paul, MN, May 2012, pp. 1262–1269. DOI.